About Us

Hello at the world of our multilingual home school.

We are a family of a Brazilian and a German, raising their child with three languages: Portuguese, German, and English. We use the website to write about the life of multilingual upbringing, we share best practices, general tips & tricks, and also help out with recommendations and learnings. And any additional topic that is useful for parents who would love to raise their child with more than one language. Or more than two languages.

Since we are avid book lovers, you will find a big section of Book Reviews where we talk about books that pass through our home. Any of these books have originally been read in our house, in either English, Portuguese, or German. The reviews naturally apply to any language version of the book, although you may find the odd translation quirk, when translators changed names in the story. It does happen.

We also create educational material for children of preschool and primary school age in Portuguese, German, and English, to help with language learning right from the comfort of your home.

In all its aspects and facets, we are passionate about child-led upbringing, passing on heritage language, and building a life that allows for child-focussed education, free learning and general curiosity. Being bilingual, trilingual or multilingual helps you look at the world from so many more angles, that are worth exploring.

Come on a journey with us through multilingual learning, upbringing and living in general.