“Little Monkey” - Marta Altés
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“Little Monkey” - Marta Altés
Language & title of book for review:
Brazilian Portuguese - “A Macaquinha”
Published also in:
German - “Äffchen”
English - “Little Monkey”
European Portuguese - “A Macaquinha”
The little monkey is the smallest in her group in the big jungle. Nevertheless, she wants to experience big adventures. When she is being left out of the fun by her peers for being too small, she decides to go and climb the biggest tree in the forest by herself. The journey is more difficult than expected but the little ape girl finds her unique way of conquering the quest. Ignoring all dangers around her (Look, the tiger!!), she arrives at the top of the biggest tree. The rest of her group seems distressed, and so she returns to the group to receive the biggest hugs around.