Multilingual Home School

A journey of sparking joy in minority languages.

Our Multilingual Upbringing Blog

Read through our journey of multilingual upbringing, get best practices, tips and insights. The personal perspective might help you in your very own way.

Heritage Language Homeschooling

We provide educational material in Portuguese, German, and English for Homeschooling, language learning, and cultural awareness for heritage language speakers and teachers.

Children’s Books Reviews

We review and share the best Children’s books in Portuguese, German and English with you. Reading to children in your heritage language is the beginning into language exposure, and fostering curiosity about the world. Early reading to children is known to help with literacy later on.

Featured Product

Featured Product

Making learning to read and write appealing and easing to do at home with your child. Use our educational material for early literacy in Portuguese.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
